Cant wait for this on saturday at the temple of newsom on saturday its going to be the best day of the year a reckon. Am gonna go more loco than the deep house legend himself MR LOCO DICE. i dont listen to much of his music cos i prefer my swagger and i dont even know who Sven Bath is! But i am proper feeling getting geebd up in a field in the sun and pretending a know and love the tunes. A just hope it doesnt rain and wash my fake tan off :(
snakes & ladders |
loco dice (nice & spice) |
Also playing at cocoon is are lass Cassy, with her mate Beth Troxler bashing out some of Yorkshire finests tunes
(TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO). I didmnt make it last year but a heard everyone talking about how there was a huge shit clown when the CDJs had to be Rebooted or summert...dunno bout you but i cant be arsed with any shitclowns this isnt a circus it fuckin HOUSE MUSIC!
fit birds |
naughty adam! |
This is the first year that they are putting a laserquest on too i cant wait for that i used to go and play at LA bowl and poke all the girls in the dark rooms with my gun ;) i hear that adam sandler is making an appearnce at the afterparty to drop his essential swag
BOMBS am gonna see if he can dodge my balls hehe! it at mint hotel warehouse with DJ OZI an oldschool favourite of mine also playing cant WAIT!
alleged picture of the ancient deep house temple of newsome |
Ive been to Newsome before when i was a kid but i could never find the temple?? maybe on saturday the vibrant deep house beats will lead me to the secret ancient temple of newsome and i can read the ancient scrolls. I hear they talk of the forefathers of the leeds deep house scene such as timmy too tall and TZ.
Anyway am off to plan my outfit for cocoon, yes it wil be swag as fuck i will put a picture up at the weekend! remember to holla at us if u see us at cocoon, you best be looking SWAG...we hope to see all your VESTS, SPOONS and TACTICAL DROP CROTCHES out in force expect compliments from us if we see ya ;)
Keep it
SWAG till then