
mint fest - by DJ dan "swag" fletcher

this festivals going off like semtex cant wait to see jamie jones spinnin on da dex!

onions rnt swag
When we first heard about mint festival Here at swag HQ (just round corner from mission2) we wre so buzzin about a full festival of mints lyk! then silly us realised it was a deephouse festival we were evenr more buzzin! propa cant wait for jamie jones to drop hungry for powder itz the new deephouse anfem of us swagheadz.

seff troxler
then got seff troxler on aswell me nd ma spoon r so hyped for some extra stong trebor techno and theres rumors of him at next insomifest , we ope so as he az his swag is off the swag-o-merter! beef and lamb are also a deephouse favourite of ours but I hope they bring some gravy as sometyms they can be abit dry hehe ;)

newaiz i hope to see u there cz all us boyz will be smashin it up all dai long wivout stopin cz we knw how to fukin parteh!!! gna leave u with our latest production frm us ere at swag blog, we gt a swag rap for u dun by our veri own resdent mc greasy rhys es a propa top lad luk at im int glasses hes a ryt character lol x

mc greasy rhys boiiii
check it out >>> here <<<

eres the lyriks so u cn rap along

"ye swag blog listen up, ye swag blog listen up
ye swag blog listen up, ye swag blog listen up

ye swag blog listen up,

a dont say im hungry for the power
cos im hungry for that powder
if its from the ground its sound 
thats why its okay cos its fertiliser
am chatting shit now
a gram for 10 pounds

watch how he drives itl mezmorize ya 
pre party at mine listenin to jamie jones
i aint alone, got my swag boiz in my home
quick gym seshed up, freshen ourselves up
we get on swag blog, racking up lines of boom cat
this shit will stop me getting fat

deep woeful beats make me want to move my vans
make me want to pump my first into the roof
off to mint toilets for a line and a snoot
its loco disco, usually listen to rusko 
but joey essex likes deep house so it must be sick yo

going to the afterparty, pretty tired

but me and you gonna get it on cos am wired
the suuns coming up but a dont give a fuck
i got dread from my comedown

but i got swag so i dont givea fuck

ye swag blog listen up, ye swag blog listen up
ye swag blog listen up, ye swag blog listen up"

peace out nigaz!!!

keep it swag as fuk!!!

by dj dan "swag" fletcher


its going to go off course




You've all read the marine classic 20,000 leagues under the sea, now get ready for 20,000 leagues under on geebs.

Setting off from the docks down't road from Byker Grove in Newcastle on 9th of November, this is going to be a trip of a lifetime. With 4 of the world's biggest clubbing brands set to take you on a journey not only across the North Sea but also deep into the heart of house music courtesy of international Dj stars such as "Rowdy" Ryan James and "Nutty" Nick Hannam plus more of the finest DJ talents to come out of Yorkshshire since progressive house legend Danny Bond.

swag sailing dynamo esque
Not only good music but expect good women too, especially when landing in amsterdam where you will find many a girl in the shop windows similiar to the ones you find at swagger, habbit and dawn chorus but unfortunately these ones make sure you wear protection (just make sure you havent got cat dick yeah?)

All in all i reckon this trip will be out of this world, make sure you try and stay awake for the entire duration cos remember sleeping is cheatin afterall dont let us down now.

It really makes us proud that our boys Ryan, Nick and the like will be representing the yorkshire swag/deep house scene on international waters, guess it kind of counts as another international gig after there season long residency at Ibiza superclub DC10 at their night Circonogo.

its is what it is 
We are trying to sort it out with our boys at swagger to allow SWAG blog to come aboard and film the whole thing, be sure to message them saying you want us onboard, we will bring 2 tubs of geebs and some old school vintage 2009 cat for anyone who asks swagger to let us onboard.

Stay SWAG sailors!

SWAG blog loves you